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AU Calender for 2025 Launched

Posted On:31-12-2024

Honarable Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao and Constitute college Principals has unveiled the new calender 2025

NABL Gunvatta Yatra (Awareness program on NABL Accreditation) at Andhra University

Posted On:30-12-2024

National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories (NABL), a constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI), held an Gunvatta Yatra for bringing awareness on NABL Accreditation and its benefits along with department of Civil Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Prof. G. Sasibhushana Rao, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Andhra University & Principal, A.U. College of Engineering emphasised the importance of accreditation and NABL attestation of technical competence of laboratories.

17th International Philosophy Conference will be held at AU

Posted On:28-12-2024

17th International Philosophy Conference will be held at Andhra University on 24th January to 26th January 2024. Justice of high court Dr.V Krishna Sagar will be the cheif guest fot the event.

Art Exhibiton throbs the heart of Vizagites

Posted On:28-12-2024

Department of Fine Arts have organised art exhibition in its department which is open to general public on 27-12-2024 have recieved appreciation from public and have appreciated students efforts and talents

Awarness and sensitization program to prevent drug addiction among youth organised in the university Campus

Posted On: 19-12-2024

Awarness and sensitization program to prevent drug addiction among youth organised in the university Campus. Honarable Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao had illustrated how taking drugs can ruin their life and metabollic system and have adviced to pledge themselves to staay away from it

Broucher for a Two Day Natioanl Seminar on Role and Relevance of the Parallel Bodies in Rural Local Government have been inaugrated

Posted On: 18-12-2024

Honarable Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao has inagurated broucher for Two Day Natioanl Seminar on Role and Relevance of the Parallel Bodies in Rural Local Government. The Event is said to take place on 10th -11th February organised by department of Political Science and Public Administration

Former Vice Chancelllor Dr.C.R Reddy Birthday Celebrations in Au Campus

Posted On: 10-12-2024

Andhra University Former Vice Chancelllor Dr.C.R Reddy Birthday is celebrated in front of Administrative block of the university.Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao and principals of affliated college particiapted in the event

Andhra University Alumni Meet (Waves- 2024) gets an applaud

Posted On: 07-12-2024

Andhra University Alumni Meet (Waves- 2024) gets an applaud from its stake holders.Sri S.N Subrahmanyam chairman & Managing Director L&T attends the event as cheif guest alog with Andhra Pradesh Education Minister Sri N.Lokesh

Team From Japan visits AU

Posted On: 05-12-2024

A Team from japan have visited andhra university .Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao and Registrar Prof Dhanamjay Rao have explained about the best practices followed adopted in the university

National Conference on Nano materials for energy, catalyst & Environment

Posted On: 05-12-2024

National Conference on Nano materials for energy, catalyst & Environment organised by department of chemistry. Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao have addressed students and emphasised students towards research

Andhra University Gears up of Alumini Meeet

Posted On: 05-12-2024

Andhra University gears up for Upcoming alumni meet which is scheduled on 7th December 2024. Sri S.N Subrahmanyam chairman & Managing Director L&T attends the event as cheif guest

Book Release

Posted On: 05-12-2024

Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao have released a book beyond the classroom written by Prof.T. Sharon Raju . Vice chancellor have lauded the efforts of Prof. T.Sharon Raju

Book Release

Posted On: 05-12-2024

Vice-Chancellor Prof G Sasi Bhusan Rao have released a book beyond the classroom written by Prof.T. Sharon Raju . Vice chancellor have lauded the efforts of Prof. T.Sharon Raju