- Name : Dr. D.Ramesh
- Designation : Associate Professor
& Head of the Department - Phone : +91-9440193100
- Email : head.anthro@andhrauniversity.edu.in
The Department of Anthropology is one of the oldest in South India established in 1961 under the leadership of Dr. N. Subba Reddy. The department maintains a holistic approach to anthropological teaching and research in all fields of the discipline including Socio-cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology and Palaeo Anthropology. Initially the department offered a program in Social Anthropology specialization. G. Golla Reddy joined the department in November 1961 followed by D. L. Prasada Rao in the year 1962 as lecturers. A. Muniratnam Reddy joined the faculty in the year 1967. Dr. Aiyyapan, the former Head of the department of Anthropology, Utkal University and Vice-Chancellor of Kerala University has associated with the department as research professor during 1967-69 .
Dr M. R. Chakravarthi joined as a Reader in 1969 and initiated offering program in Physical Anthropology specialization. With the joining of Dr K. Thimma Reddy in 1970 who specialized in Pre-history, the department attained full-fledged status by offering programs in all the three specializations and continued its holistic aspects till today. Recognizing the vast growth of the discipline, in 1973 a separate department of Human Genetics and Physical Anthropology was carved out and Dr. M. R. Chakravarthi took the reins of that department. With the establishment of Anthropology department at S. V. University in 1972, Dr. Muniratnam Reddy was grafted to Tirupati. Later, Prof. Subba Reddy moved to University of Madras to establish a new department to Anthropology in 1976. M. Kodanda Rao, G. Prakash Reddy, R. Yathiraj Kumar and Dr. P. Veerraju joined the department in 1975 followed by induction of K. E. Rajpramukh, J. M. Naidu K. Srinivasa Murthy, V. L. Narasimha Rao, Ch. Bapu Haranath and P. Vijayaprakash in 1979. P. Veerraju was elevated as Reader and joined in the department of Human Genetics and Physical Anthropology Dr Kodanda Rao was elevated and joined as Reader in NEHU and moved to University of Hyderabad University to start the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Dr. Prakash Reddy took up professorship at S. V. University, Tirupati in 1986. Dr. G. Jai Kishan joined the faculty in the year 1984. Dr S. Narahari, Dr. R. Sambasiva Rao, Dr. G. Paddaiah Dr. V. Subramanyam and Mr D. Ravindranath joined the faculty in the year 1985. Then the department had the strength of 16 teaching staff members during 1985-86. Later on P. D. S. Pal Kumar joined in 1994 followed by D. Ramesh in year 2000.
The department has a sound infrastructural base for pursuing teaching and research activities. It is endowed with four laboratories- human cytogenetics laboratory, forensic& serology laboratory, molecular genetics laboratory, Paleo anthropological laboratory, an ethnographic museum with a wide collection of exhibits from various parts of the country, a library, audio-visual equipment, film archive and skilled human resources.
Students for the four-semester postgraduate program in Anthropology are drawn from arts and science streams admitted through a common entrance test held by the state government. They are exposed in the fourth semester to a three week field-work in tribal areas to provide them first hand experience in data collection, analysis and report writing.
The alumni of the department are occupying important positions in universities, research institutes, apart from State and Central governments and other organizations. The department extends consultancy services for government and voluntary organizations. It carries out activities such as genetic counseling, blood grouping tests, as part of extension activities and self sustaining efforts.
Name |
M.A/M.Sc Anthropology (Social and Biological Anthropology Specializations) |
Ph.D in Anthropology |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Areas of Interest |
Prof. P.D.Satya Pal Kumar | Professor | M. A., Ph.D. | Social Cultural Anthropology | Social Inequality, Dependency Relations, Human Rights . |
Dr. D.Ramesh | Associate Professor & Head of the Department |
M. A., Ph.D. | Social Cultural Anthropology | Development Anthropology, Political and Economic Antthropology |
Dr. V. Subramanyam | Professor (H) | M. A., Ph.D. | Social Cultural Anthropology | Ecological Anthropology and Sustainable Development Studies |
- Human Cytogenetics Laboratory: It is equipped with all the state of art technology like laminar flow, incubator, centrifuse, micro-centrifuse, field contrast microscope, culture media and all the chemicals needed and essential for carrying out regular Human chromosomal work.
- Serological and Forensic Laboratory: Equipped with necessary paraphernalia to carry out blood group typing, both ABO and Rh and other blood groups like, MN, Duff, Kell, Secretor, non-secretor; forensic investigations like developing latent finger prints, identification of biological and skeletal material, finger print analysis and also DNA finger printing.
- Paleo Laboratory: To carry out pollen and soil analysis, identification of tool types e.t.c for reconstruction of prehistory by the analysis of the material culture.
- Molecular Laboratory: Extraction of DNA, Analysis of DNA with a host of RFLP's, DNA finger printing, Polymerase chain reaction , Southern blotting.
- Ethnographic Museum: It contains material cultural artifacts representing tribal and rural populations of India in general and the material culture 0f Andhra-Orissa-Chattisgarh, Andaman and Nicobar tribes and rural populations of North Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Models of different racial types, relevant prehistoric tools and photographic exhibits of several cultures are also part of the ethnographic museum. All the exhibits are systematically catalogued and thematically displayed with eye pleasing illumination.
- Library: In addition to the General Library of the University, the department has established a library of its own with a collection of nearly thousand books & journals for the benefit of students, scholars & teachers.
- Audio Visual Equipment: Audio visual equipment is acquired to facilitate effective teaching - learning process and felid work include over - head projectors, slide projectors, TV, Cassette recorders, cameras &computers.
- Film Archive: A collection of nearly 25 video - cassettes depicting ethnographic accounts of several cultures are acquired from various sources.
Ph.Ds awarded
The Department awarded 98 PhDs starting from the year 1961 and 26 M.Phils starting from the year 1961.
Following is the list of PhDs and M.Phils awarded from 1971.
S.No | Name | YEAR | TOPIC |
1 | Dr.D.L.Prasada Rao | 1971 | An Analysis of Kinship Economy and Religion of the Jatapus - A Scheduled Tribe in A.P |
2 | Dr.A.Muniratnam Reddy | 1972 | The Bhagata and related Tribes |
3 | Dr.G.Golla Reddy | 1973 | An Anthropo Genetic Study of Bhagata |
4 | Dr.M.Kodanda Rao | 1976 | Family and Kinship among Jalaris of Coastal A.P |
5 | Dr.D.V.Raghava Rao | 1977 | Konda Doras : A Study in Social-culture change |
6 | Dr.V.Sudarsen | 1977 | Environment and Archeology of Nellore District |
7 | Dr.M.Suryanarayana | 1978 | Marriage, Family and Kinship of the Savaras in A.P |
8 | Dr.N.V.Kameswara Rao | 1978 | Caste and Politics in a Telangana Village and its Religion : A Study of Village Leadership |
9 | Dr.G.Prakash Reddy | 1979 | Cultural Ecology of an Island Community: A Case Study of Chowra |
10 | Dr.S.V.Krishna Prasad | 1979 | Irrigation and Change : A Case Study of Chowra |
11 | Dr.V.N.V.K. Sastry | 1981 | Cultural Contact : A Case Study of the Social Dynamics of Population |
12 | Dr.M.V.T.Raju | 1981 | Persistence and Change: A Study of Wantendar System and the Institutional Complex in Rural Telangana with Special Reference to Medak District |
13 | Dr.R.Sambasiva Rao | 1981 | A Study of Arterial Blood Pressure Correlates Among Three Populations of Visakhapatnam Area (South India) |
14 | Dr.I.M.Samuel | 1981 | A Study of Physical Growth and Development of Valmiki and Bhagata Boys of Visakhapatnam District (A.P) |
15 | Dr.R.Yathiraj Kumar | 1982 | School System and Tribal Community : A Study on Scheduled Tribes of Bhadragiri Block |
16 | Dr.M.Sudhakara Babu | 1982 | KoyaDoras: A Population Genetic Study |
17 | Dr.P.Vijaya Prakash | 1982 | Lithic Cultures and Palaeo - Environment of Gambheeram River Valley Visakhapatnam Coast |
18 | Dr.G.Paddaiah | 1982 | The Effects of Parental Consanguinity and Inbreeding on the Anthropometric Measurements of the New born Babies and on the Obstetric Histories of their Mothers of Visakhapatnam, Dist, A.P. |
19 | Dr.G.Jai Kishan | 1982 | Physical Anthropology of Konda Kammaras |
20 | Dr (Mrs) Naseem Ameer | 1983 | Neolithic of Visakhapatnam An Ethno - Archaeological Study |
21 | Dr.M.Rama Devi | 1983 | |
22 | Dr.P.Venkata Rao | 1984 | Institutional Framework for Tribal Development Case Study of a Tribal Village in Andhra Pradesh |
23 | Dr.K.E.Raj Pramukh | 1984 | Harijans and Harijan Christians of Guntur: A Study in Social Mobility and Change |
24 | Dr.V.Subramanyam | 1985 | Patterns of Interaction of a Muslim Village in Coastal Andhra Pradesh-Islampet and It's Region |
25 | Dr.V.L.Narasimha Rao | 1985 | Savara and Jatapu : A Demo-Genetic Study |
26 | Dr.K.Sreenivasa Murthy | 1988 | Stone Age Archaeology of Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh |
27 | Dr.C.Sri Devi | 1988 | The Gisher women in Family and Economy : A Micro Study |
28 | Dr.D.Padmavathi | 1988 | Caste and Occupational Change: A Study of Gajula Balija Caste of Chittore Dist A.P |
29 | Dr.B.Dharma Rao | 1989 | Physical Growth among Yadava and Vadabalija Boys of Visakhapatnam: A Cross Sectional Study |
30 | Dr.G.Raja Rajeswari | 1989 | A Demographic Study of Yadava and Vadabalija Communities of Visakhapatnam |
31 | Dr.S.Sachi Devi | 1990 | A Population Genetic Study of Konda Dora Tribe |
32 | Dr.G.V.Ramana | 1992 | An Anthorpogenetic Study of Manne Dora Tribe |
33 | Dr.V.Rama Rao | 1992 | Schooling among Scheduled Tribes of Andhra Pradesh : A Study on the Factors affecting Teacher Functioning |
34 | Dr.M.Sai Leela | 1993 | Nutritional Profile of Woman in Visakhapatnam : An Analysis |
35 | Dr.Yasmin | 1993 | An Anthropological Profile of Kotia Tribe |
36 | Dr.B.Veeraju Babu | 1994 | A Poulation Genetic Study of Sub-Tribes of Mali from Andhra Pradesh |
37 | Dr.D.Jesuratnam | 1995 | Cultural Ecology of Ayodya lanka : A River Island Community |
38 | Dr.Y.Kanaka Durga | 1995 | Rural Women: A Study in different Castes of Sabbavaram Region |
39 | Dr.Alok Rath | 1996 | Quaternary Environment and Prehistoric Cultural Development : A Micro - Level Study on the East Coast of India |
40 | Dr.Rajesh Patnaik | 1997 | Urban Poor, Social Policy and International Assistance: Dimensions of Planned Interventions is Slums of Visakhapatnam City. (India). |
41 | Dr.M.Hima Bindu | 1999 | Ageing, Problems and care: A Study among aged women in Visakhapatnam District, A.P |
42 | Dr.Y.Kusuma Kumari | 1999 | Epidemiology of Blood Pressure Across A Few Cross - Cultural Populations of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India |
43 | Dr.B.V.Ravi Prasad | 1999 | The Nicobaris of Andaman and Nicobar Island : A Demographical Study |
44 | Dr.K.Chandramouli | 1999 | Mesolithic Adaptations in the Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam Region : An Ethnoarchaeological Study |
45 | Dr.K.R.Rama Mohan | 2000 | Problems and Perspectives of Primary Education in the Tribal areas of Visakhapatnam District |
46 | Dr.K.Mallikarjuna Rao | 2001 | Nutrition Profile and Household Food Security among Rural Population in Different Regions of A.P |
47 | Dr.D.Madhavi | 2001 | A Study of the Effects of Parental Consanguinity and Inbreeding on Newborn |
48 | Dr.V.Subramanyam | 2001 | Displacement and Rehabilitation : A Study of the Socio-Cultural Implication on People Displaced by Visakhapatnam Steel Plant |
49 | Dr.(Mrs) G.Manimala | 2002 | Little Tradition in Urban area of Visakhapatnam |
50 | Dr.K.Madhavi | 2005 | Influence Of Physical Activity, Personal Habits and Some Physiological Attributes on Serum Lipid Profiles Among Populations of Diverse Dietary Habits |
51 | Dr.Ch.Bapu Haranath | 2006 | Dynamics of land alienation among Jatapu of AP |
52 | Dr.W.Rupa | 2007 | A Study on Socioeconomic, Nutritional and Health status with Special Reference to Occupational Health hazards of Dudakela Community (Traditional Cottonginners) of Visakhapatnam, A.P, India |
53 | Dr.Shibani Mukarjee | 2007 | A Bio-Anthropological Study Among Mentally Retarded Children of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh (India) |
54 | Dr.M.Rajendra Prasad | 2007 | Koyas of Rampa Agency: Socio-political Matrix of Marginalization |
55 | Dr.P.Durga Rao | 2008 | Forest Environment, Sustainable Livelihoods and Development : A study Among Primitive Tribes in Visakha Agency Area of Andhra Pradesh |
56 | Dr.P.Sankara Rao | 2008 | Sustainable Tribal Development: A Study in Gummalakshmipuram Mandal in Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh, India |
57 | Dr.M.Gopichand | 2008 | Angiotensinogen Gene M235T Variation and its association with Essential Hypertension & Its relation to some of the CVD risk factors in two Caste Communities |
58 | Dr.K.Baleswamy | 2009 | Infant Feeding Practices Among the Slum Dwellers of Visakhapatnam City, A.P. |
59 | Dr.M.Narasinga Rao | 2009 | Smoking, Consanguinity and Bio-Anthropological Variation: A Primitive Tribal Study from Andhra Pradesh (India) |
60 | Dr.Ch.Seshagiri Rao | 2010 | Physical Growth among Gadaba and Savara Tribal population of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh |
61 | Dr.A.Aparna | 2010 | "Nutritional anthropometry, physical growth, clinical signs and biochemical parameters among children from three populations." |
62 | Dr.K.Bharathi | 2012 | "Anthropological Demography of Khond, Gadaba and Savara Tribes of Andhra Pradesh." |
63 | Dr.Walelign Tadesse Robele | 2012 | "Fusion And Fission In Ethnic Identities Ethnography Of The Gurage Ethnicity" |
64 | Dr.G.Lakshmi | 2012 | "Reproductive And Child Health Situation Among Savara And Jatapu Tribes Of Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh" |
65 | Dr.K.Sanyasi Naidu | 2012 | "Dependence Relations Of Mala Masti - A Satellite Dalit Caste Of Andhra Pradesh" |
66 | Dr.I.Jhansi Rani | 2012 | "The Bondo Women Static Lives And Dynamic Roles" |
67 | Dr.M.Nani Babu | 2012 | "Anthropological Profile Of Bagatha, Konda Dora, Konda Reddi And Koya Dora Tribes Of Andhra Pradesh, India" |
68 | Dr.M.Venkata Ratnam | 2013 | "Struggle for survival and sustainable livelihood strategies to vulnerable tribes: a study of the chenchu tribe in Andhra Pradesh" |
69 | Dr.O.S.V.D.Prasad | 2013 | "Awareness And Attitude Of Tribes And Health Care Providers Regarding Rch Services" |
70 | Dr.V.Jayasri | 2014 | "Sex Work And Hiv/Aids In Andhra Pradesh: An Anthropological Study" |
71 | Dr.L.Giridhar | 2014 | "Perceptions And Practices Towards Reproductive And Child Health Among Gadaba And Konds Dora Tribes" |
72 | Dr.Mossa Endris Ahmed | 2014 | "Poverty and Livelihood Strategies of Female - Headed Households in Rural Ethiopia: The case of Libo Kemkem Woreda, South Gondar" |
73 | Dr.Dagne Shibru Abate | 2014 | "Conflict and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia: The Case of Gedeo and Guji Ethnic Groups" |
74 | Dr.N.Srinivas | 2014 | "Maternal and Child Care Practices Among the Tribes of Visakhapatnam District, A.P." |
75 | Dr.Ch.SuriBabu | 2014 | A Bio Anthropological Study of Pengu Poraja: A south East Indian Tribe. |
76 | Dr.Dejene Teshome Kibret | 2014 | "Persistence and change in the Practice of Medical Pluralism in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" |
77 | Dr.K.Lakshmi Narayana | 2014 | "A Study on the Health Care Practices with Emphasis on the Maternal and Child Care Among the Savara Tribe: A Most Vulnerable Tribe of Andhra Pradesh." |
78 | Dr.B.Veerabadrudu | 2015 | "Displacement, Deprivation And Development Of Project Affected Tribal People: A Study In The Rehabilitation Centres Of Medium Irrigation Projects In Andhra Pradesh." |
79 | Dr.Dereje Fufa Bidu | 2015 | "Performances of Gadaa rituals in Macca Oromoo, Ethiopia" |
80 | Dr.P.Pulakes | 2016 | "A Genetic Study Of Diabetic Nephropathy Among The Bengalee Population, India With Reference to Renin-Angiotensin - Aldosterone System (RAAS) Gene Polymorphism." |
81 | Dr.P.D.Satya Pal Kumar | 2016 | "Dynamics of Inequality among the Tribes: A Study of Araku Valley in Visakhapatnam Agency" |
82 | Dr.Venkata Prasad Rao | 2016 | "Agricultural Development and Change: A Study Among Tribes of Visakhapatnam Agency, Andhra Pradesh." |
83 | Dr.N.Srinvasu | 2017 | "Community Participation in Elementary Education: A Study on School Management Committees in Adilabad District of Telangana State." |
84 | Dr.Akmel Mohammed Usman | 2017 | "Abret-Inangara Accord: Syncretic Religious Processes and Practices Among Sabat Bet Gurage Muslims: Southwestern Ethiopia." |
85 | Dr.Ergogie Tesfaye Wolde-Meskel | 2017 | "The Dynamics and Interlacement of Traditional and Modern Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia: Hadiyya Society." |
86 | Dr.S.Narayana Rao | 2018 | "Impact Of Right To Education Act On Elementary School Education System In Tribal Sub-Plan Area Of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh: A Holistic Research Study" |
87 | Dr.Yilkal Kefale Asres | 2018 | "Urban Poverty: The Case Of Debre Markos City Of Ethiopia." |
88 | Dr.Venkata Lakshmi Vennela | 2018 | "Dynamics Of Gender Roles: A Study On The Maritime Fisherwomen Of Visakhapatnam District" |
89 | Dr.P.Vasanthi | 2018 | "Maritime Landscape of Srikakulam District- Mofusbandar Fishing Villages" |
90 | Dr.K.Srinivasu | 2019 | "Traditional Fishing Technology and Maritime Communities of Visakhapatnam Region: A Comparative Study" |
91 | Dr.Pappala Appala Naidu | 2019 | "Health And Disease Among The Chenchu Of Nallamalai Forest, Andhra Pradesh" |
92 | Dr.Avanthi Cheeli | 2019 | "A Study on Demography, Reproductive and Child Health Among Konda Reddi of Telangana, India" |
93 | Dr.Neeraja Sunkari | 2019 | "Demographic Profile Among Two Caste Populations of Andhra Pradesh" |
94 | Dr.Devarakonda Ramesh | 2019 | "Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Tribal Areas of Andhra Pradesh: A Study in Srikakulam District" |
95 | Dr.Bhagyalakshmi Ghatam | 2020 | "Factors inhibiting and Promoting Change in Welfare and Empowerment Programmes among Rural Women: A Study of Durgi Mandal in Guntur District, A.P." |
96 | Dr.Chetti Srinivas | 2021 | " Study on the Aspects of Health and ABO Incompatibility Among Pengu Tribe of Visakhapatnam Agency " |
97 | Dr.Bepala S.S.Mruityanjaya | 2021 | "Deifying Sage Valmiki: An Anthropological Study On The Attempts Of Social Mobility By The Boya Of Andhra Pradesh" |
98 | Dr.Negessa Mokona Tuma | 2023 | "Culture and Resource Conservation: Contemporary Sustainability Challenges Among the Gujii Community in Southern Ethiopia." |
M.Phil. awarded
S.No | Name | YEAR | TOPIC |
1 | Ch.Saraswathi | 1990 | Museums in India with Special Reference to Ethnography Museum in Bhubaneswar, Orissa |
2 | R.Ganapathi Rao | 1993 | A Demographic and Anthropometric Study of Dulia Population |
3 | M.Himabindu | 1993 | Aged women in Rural Andhra Pradesh: An Anthropological Study |
4 | S.Heena Kumari | 1995 | Genetic Demography, Anthropometry and Dermatoglyphics of Mulia Tribe |
5 | J.Lakshmi | 1997 | Dental Morphology and Pathology of Two Caste Communities of Visakhapatnam District |
6 | Ch.Bapu Haranath | 1997 | Land alienation and restoration |
7 | Shibani Mukherjee | 1998 | Physical Growth among Children of Visakhapatnam |
8 | P.Stephen | 1998 | Rudramakota : A Megalithic Site in Godavari Valley |
9 | Pankaj Kumar | 1998 | Impact of Aquaculture on Vaddis : A Fishing Community |
10 | M.Srinivasa Rao | 1998 | A Comparative study of Ashram and Non-Ashram schools in Vizianagaram District, A.P. |
11 | K.Lakshmi | 1999 | Impact Evalution on Tribal Development Project : Phase-I |
12 | P.Durga Rao | 2000 | Maternal and Child health Care among Tacha Koya of Warangal District, A.P |
13 | K.Gopi Krishna | 2002 | Ethnoarcheology of Megalithic Builders : A Study of Godavari River Valley. |
14 | Ch.Seshagiri Rao | 2005 | Physical Growth among Khond Tribal population of Visakhapatnam District. |
15 | K.Sanyasi Naidu | 2005 | Health status to Jalaris and Rellis of Visakhapatnam District |
16 | S.Bhaskar Babu | 2005 | Physique and Physiological Variation A study among the children of Visakhapatnam |
17 | K.Neelima | 2005 | Gender Issues, Women Empowerment and Development: A Study in Magamaripeta Village, Visakhapatnam District. |
18 | R.Ramanamma | 2007 | Status of women in Pedajalaripeta, Visakhapatnam, A.P. |
19 | V.Jayasri | 2007 | Sex Workers of East Godavari District (A.P): An Anthropological Study with Special Reference to HIV/AIDS |
20 | C.V.Ramana | 2007 | A Comparative Study of Secondary Education in Urban and Rural High Schools in Visakhapatnam District |
21 | L.Giridhar | 2007 | Epidemiological Study of Gastroesophoegal Reflex Disease among Slum dwellers |
22 | M.Hema Latha | 2007 | An Epidemiological Study of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease among Auto drivers |
23 | Ch.Suribabu | 2007 | Growth and Development among bhagatha boys |
24 | K.Srinivasu | 2012 | Indigenous Knowledge Systems of Fishing Populations of Visakhapatnam Region |
25 | V.Venkata Lakshmi | 2012 | Fisherwomen of Visakhapatnam Coast: Their Entrepreneurial Tenacity in Up Keeping Maritime Culture |
26 | B.S.S.Mruityanjaya | 2015 | The Causes And Consequences Of Mental Illness: Data From Visakhapatnam Mental Care Hospital |
- Employing Agencies
- Anthropological Survey of India is the premier organization which mostly employs the greenhorn anthropologists.
- At the state level there is Tribal Cultural Research Organization (TCR & TI) which not only conducts research on various aspects of the tribals, in addition it also provides some employment.
- Many of the national research institutes like National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Indian council for Medical Research (ICMR), Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS), Bhopal Planning Commission and Non Government Organizations (NGOs).
- Extension Services
- Anthropometric measurements and other genetic traits
- Blood typing of both ABO and Rh groups.
- Consultancy to Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to identify the status of Scheduled Caste and Tribes.
- Consultancy to N.G.O's , State & Central level.
- Forensic identification like finger print analysis.
- Genetic Counseling
- Identification of Prehistoric tools and other material cultures
- Involvement in Community Development programs
- Nutritional assessments of different foodstuffsBlood typing of both ABO and Rh groups.